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BEHOLD, He Cometh!

“BEHOLD, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and

all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7

The return of Christ is the ultimate goal of all Bible prophecy, especially true of the Revelation. The

final revealing of our Lord in His Second Coming is the goal and focal point of all the contents of the prophetic

revelation. It is the book’s most outstanding event, the keynote of its messages, and the hub around which its

prophetic visions revolve. Each scene in this prophetic drama climaxes with the coming of Christ. The Old

Testament prophecies place the chief emphasis on His first advent, while those of the New Testament

emphasize His second coming.

Near the beginning of this last book of the Bible is the exclamation, “Behold, He Cometh,”; and in the

closing chapter, “I come quickly” is repeated three times. His return is also the dominant note of all in between.

It is the grand theme of the book.

W. C. Stevens writes: “Abruptly verse 7, our text for today, throws upon the screen the objective of the

book, “Behold, He cometh with clouds;” The visibility to this earth of the returning Jesus is presented as the

great focal event of all the contents of the book. This is the event which, next after Calvary, focalizes all rays of

Scriptural prediction from Gen. 3:15 onward. The announcement of this greatest of all events will evoke from

the heart of every believer a fervent “Even so. Amen.” This first announcement of the coming King of kings

and Lord of lords closes with a divine pronouncement of certainty and validity, “Even so, Amen,” and the book

itself closes with the testimony of its divine Author, “Surely, I come quickly. Amen.” The doctrine of the

Second Coming is no myth or fable. It is dependable truth brothers and sisters. It will happen.

Behold is an expression or exclamation used to arrest attention and prepare the way for an important

announcement. It is used twenty-six times in the Revelation. John was thrilled with the thought that the same

Jesus he had known and loved, and for whose return he had looked and prayed, was to come again to reign as

King on the throne of David. He could never forget the tremendous promise Jesus made, which he had

recorded. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many

mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place

for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:1-3.)

The parting scene was also still fresh in his memory. He had heard the final message of the Master and

had witnessed His ascension from Mt. Olivet. He saw the two angels and listened to their assurance that the

Jesus they loved would return in the same manner as they had seen Him depart. The disciples had watched the

cloud dwindle into invisibility. The hope of His return became the comfort and inspiration of the apostolic

church, and all who genuinely love Him now will long for His return.

“BEHOLD, He cometh with clouds;” On a cloudy day with the sky filled with large billowy pillowy,

fluffy clouds, do you find yourself wondering if the Lord Jesus could be standing on one of those clouds…

coming for His church? Do you also ask, Am I ready?

Francis Mason

Pastor Mason

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